Troy Aikman Admits He Hit 'rock Bottom' After Second Divorce In Rare Glimpse At Personal Life

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In an uncharacteristically candid interview, legendary quarterback Troy Aikman has opened up about the profound impact his second divorce had on him. Speaking with "60 Minutes," Aikman revealed that he "hit rock bottom" after the dissolution of his marriage in 2013.

Aikman, who led the Dallas Cowboys to three Super Bowl victories in the 1990s, admitted that the divorce sent him spiraling into a state of despair. "I felt like I had failed," he said. "The marriage was a huge part of my identity, and once it was gone, I didn't know who I was anymore." The pain was compounded by the fact that the couple had two young children.

Aikman's coping mechanisms were unhealthy. He turned to alcohol, isolated himself from friends and family, and retreated into a deep funk. As a result, he began experiencing anxiety and depression.

As he struggled to process the divorce, Aikman began to question his worthiness and professional identity. "I started to think that maybe I wasn't as good as I thought I was on the field," he said. "I lost confidence in myself in all aspects of my life."

Aikman's lowest moment came when he contemplated suicide. However, a conversation with a close friend turned his perspective. "They reminded me of all the good things I had in my life," he said. "I realized that I had a lot to live for and that I needed to get help."

Aikman sought professional therapy and began to rebuild his life. He mended relationships with loved ones, pursued personal interests, and focused on his physical and mental well-being.

"It was a long and difficult process," Aikman said. "But I eventually got to a place where I could look in the mirror and like the person I saw."

Aikman hopes that by sharing his story, he can help others who are going through similar experiences. "I want people to know that they're not alone," he said. "Divorce is incredibly painful, but you can get through it. With help and support, you can come out stronger on the other side."

Aikman's story serves as a reminder that even the most celebrated individuals can face adversity and need support. His journey from despair to healing is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of seeking help when needed.

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